Elegant digital signage

Converting paper poster advertisement with a web connected digital poster advertisement.

F10 markaz Islamabad
Home Automation

Home Automation


Converting paper poster advertisement with a web-connected digital poster advertisement.


We have converted paper poster advertisement with a digital poster advertisement. Paper poster is boring and attracts less whereas on the digital poster you can play beautiful animations and videos. We have also provided a web application where you can just log in and you get connected to you poster online. You can add pictures and click upload. Very beautiful animations will start playing on your poster. Advertisers can control advertisement across globe from one office. Brands can control their branding in all outlets from one centralized point. Any business person can update his poster in just few minutes. He can log in to our website, add his pictures and click upload very beautiful animations will start playing on his digital poster. We are manufacturing very beautiful export quality digital posters in Pakistan. So we are providing digital poster and web application so any organization can use it for their purpose.


Hardware/IOT, Fashion/Entertainment, Environment, Technology, Internet/Web


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